Pedro Bação : Citation Profile

Are you Pedro Bação?

Universidade do Coimbra


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   22 years (2002 - 2024). See details.
   Cites by year: 5
   Journals where Pedro Bação has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 15.    Total self citations: 24 (16.33 %)


   Updated: 2024-11-08    RAS profile: 2024-05-07    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Portela, Miguel (6)

Cerejeira, João (5)

Simões, Marta (2)

Portugal Duarte, António (2)

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Pedro Bação.

Is cited by:

mayer, thierry (6)

Afonso, Antonio (6)

Portela, Miguel (5)

Martin, Philippe (4)

Reis, Ricardo (4)

Holmes, Mark (4)

Shen, Xin (4)

Alexandre, Fernando (4)

Sebastião, Helder (3)

Duarte, Maria Adelaide (3)

Andrade, João (3)

Cites to:

Alexandre, Fernando (45)

Gertler, Mark (42)

Bernanke, Ben (29)

Portela, Miguel (27)

Cerejeira, João (26)

Galí, Jordi (20)

Blanchard, Olivier (20)

Svensson, Lars (19)

Portugal Duarte, António (15)

Taylor, John (14)

mayer, thierry (13)

Main data

Where Pedro Bação has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Notas Económicas8
Economics Letters2

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
GEMF Working Papers / GEMF, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra15
CeBER Working Papers / Centre for Business and Economics Research (CeBER), University of Coimbra8
IZA Discussion Papers / Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)4
GEE Papers / Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia3
School of Economics Discussion Papers / School of Economics, University of Surrey2

Recent works citing Pedro Bação (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2023Consequences of a massive refugee influx on firm performance and market structure. (2023). Kırdar, Murat ; cilasun, seyit ; Bağır, Yusuf ; Kirdar, Murat Guray ; Bair, Yusuf Kenan ; Akgunduz, Yusuf Emre. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:162:y:2023:i:c:s0304387823000366.

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2023Do minimum wages deliver what they promise? Effects of minimum wage on employment, output, and income inequality from occupational choice theory. (2023). Salas-Fumas, Vicente ; Medrano-Adan, Luis. In: Economic Analysis and Policy. RePEc:eee:ecanpo:v:80:y:2023:i:c:p:366-383.

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2024Who has mastered exchange rate ups and downs: China or the United States?. (2024). Lin, YE ; Liu, Tie-Ying. In: The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. RePEc:eee:ecofin:v:70:y:2024:i:c:s1062940824000068.

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2023Exchange-rate policy, institutions and wages: A macroeconomic quasi-experiment from Italy, 1997–2000. (2023). Andini, Corrado. In: International Economics. RePEc:eee:inteco:v:175:y:2023:i:c:p:158-170.

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2023Impact of social metrics in decentralized finance. (2023). Gonzalez-Lopez, Isaac ; Evi, Aleksandar ; Pieiro-Chousa, Juan. In: Journal of Business Research. RePEc:eee:jbrese:v:158:y:2023:i:c:s0148296323000310.

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2023Economic freedom and life satisfaction: A moderated mediation model with individual autonomy and national culture. (2023). Graafland, Johan. In: European Journal of Political Economy. RePEc:eee:poleco:v:79:y:2023:i:c:s0176268023000927.

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2023Connectedness between Defi assets and equity markets during COVID-19: A sector analysis. (2023). Yousaf, Imran ; Tolentino, Marta ; Jareo, Francisco. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. RePEc:eee:tefoso:v:187:y:2023:i:c:s0040162522006953.

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2023Economic growth and broadband access: The European urban-rural digital divide. (2023). Buysse, Jeroen ; D'Haese, Marijke ; de Clercq, Michael. In: Telecommunications Policy. RePEc:eee:telpol:v:47:y:2023:i:6:s0308596123000903.

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2023Does scientific research output matter for Portugal’s economic growth?. (2023). Teixeira, Aurora ; Pinto, Tnia. In: GEE Papers. RePEc:mde:wpaper:0174.

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2024Uncertainty and Risk in Cryptocurrency Markets: Evidence of Time-frequency Connectedness. (2024). Dagar, Vishal ; Dagher, Leila ; Shobande, Olatunji ; Rao, Amar. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:120582.

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Works by Pedro Bação:

2011BUBBLES IN EXCHANGE RATES AND MONETARY POLICY In: Scottish Journal of Political Economy.
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2017Exchange Rates, Employment and Labour Market Rigidity In: The World Economy.
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2008The Consumption-Wealth Ratio under Asymmetric Adjustment In: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics.
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2007The Consumption-Wealth Ratio Under Asymmetric Adjustment.(2007) In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2007The Consumption-Wealth Ratio Under Asymmetric Adjustment.(2007) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2007Volatility in asset prices and long-run wealth effect estimates In: Economic Modelling.
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2010Soft landing in a Markov-switching economy In: Economics Letters.
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2005Monetary policy, asset prices, and uncertainty In: Economics Letters.
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2024Social expenditure composition, inequality and growth in the OECD: Labour market policies are most effective In: Journal of Policy Modeling.
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2022Minimum wage and financially distressed firms: Another one bites the dust In: Labour Economics.
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2020Minimum wage and financially distressed firms: another one bites the dust.(2020) In: CeBER Working Papers.
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2020Minimum Wage and Financially Distressed Firms: Another One Bites the Dust.(2020) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2020Minimum wage and financially distressed firms: another one bites the dust.(2020) In: GEE Papers.
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2020Minimum wage and financially distressed firms: another one bites the dust.(2020) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2022The political economy of productivity growth In: European Journal of Political Economy.
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2006Investment and Non-fundamental Movements in Asset Prices: is there a role for monetary policy? In: Economic Issues Journal Articles.
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2009Aggregate and sector-specific exchange rate indexes for the Portuguese economy In: Notas Económicas.
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2009Aggregate and sector-specific exchange rate indexes for the Portuguese economy.(2009) In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2009Aggregate and sector-specific exchange rate indexes for the Portuguese economy.(2009) In: GEE Papers.
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2009Aggregate and sector-specific exchange rate indexes for the Portuguese economy.(2009) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2018Investimento Empresarial em Portugal: Crise e Recuperação In: Notas Económicas.
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2018Investimento Empresarial em Portugal: Crise e Recuperação In: Notas Económicas.
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2018Afetação de recursos, produtividade e as reformas estruturais da economia portuguesa In: Notas Económicas.
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2018Afetação de recursos, produtividade e as reformas estruturais da economia portuguesa In: Notas Económicas.
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2019Corruption and Economic Growth: The Case of Portugal In: Notas Económicas.
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2019Corruption and economic growth: the case of Portugal.(2019) In: CeBER Working Papers.
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2019Corruption and Economic Growth: The Case of Portugal In: Notas Económicas.
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2023Inflation in Portugal Through the Lens of the Fair Model In: Notas Económicas.
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2017The Renminbi: A Warrior for Competitiveness? In: CeBER Working Papers.
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2017Deflation in the Euro Zone: Overview and Empirical Analysis In: CeBER Working Papers.
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2018Information Transmission Between Cryptocurrencies: Does Bitcoin Rule the Cryptocurrency World? In: CeBER Working Papers.
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2018Information Transmission Between Cryptocurrencies: Does Bitcoin Rule the Cryptocurrency World?.(2018) In: Scientific Annals of Economics and Business.
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2018An Aggregate View of Portuguese Exports and Competitiveness In: CeBER Working Papers.
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2019Portugal in the Eurozone: Evolution and Expectations In: CeBER Working Papers.
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2020Exports Since the International Financial Crisis In: CeBER Working Papers.
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2005On the Stability of the Wealth Effect In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2005On the Stablity of the Wealth Effect.(2005) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2005On the Stability of the Wealth Effect.(2005) In: School of Economics Discussion Papers.
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2007Optimal monetary policy with a regime-switching exchange rate in a forward-looking model In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2007Optimal monetary policy with a regime-switching exchange rate in a forward-looking model.(2007) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2008Taylor-type rules versus optimal policy in a Markov-switching economy In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2008Taylor-type rules versus optimal policy in a Markov-switching economy.(2008) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2008Taylor-type rules versus optimal policy in a Markov-switching economy¤.(2008) In: School of Economics Discussion Papers.
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2009Employment and exchange rates: the role of openness and technology In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2009Employment and Exchange Rates: The Role of Openness and Technology.(2009) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2011Employment and Exchange Rates: The Role of Openness and Technology.(2011) In: Open Economies Review.
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2009Employment and Exchange rates: the Role of Openness and Technology.(2009) In: GEE Papers.
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2009Employment and exchange rates: the role of openness and technology.(2009) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2010Employment, exchange rates and labour market rigidity In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2010Employment, Exchange Rates and Labour Market Rigidity.(2010) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2010Employment, exchange rates and labour market rigidity.(2010) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2010Manufacturing employment and exchange rates in the Portuguese economy: the role of openness, technology and labour market rigidity In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2010Manufacturing Employment and Exchange Rates in the Portuguese Economy: The Role of Openness, Technology and Labour Market Rigidity.(2010) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2010Manufacturing employment and exchange rates in the Portuguese economy: the role of openness, technology and labour market rigidity.(2010) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2011Accession to the European Union, Interest Rates and Indebtedness: Greece and Portugal In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2011Accession to the European Union, Interest Rates and Indebtedness: Greece and Portugal.(2011) In: Book Chapters.
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2011A Poupança em Portugal In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2012Financial Crisis and Domino Effect In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2012Financial Crisis and Domino Effect.(2012) In: Book Chapters.
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2013Portugal Before and After the European Union: Facts on Nontradables In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2012Portugal before and after the European Union: Facts on Nontradables.(2012) In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2013The International Monetary System in Flux: Overview and Prospects In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2016Exchange Rates, the Competitiveness of Nations and Unemployment In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2016Exchange Rates, the Competitiveness of Nations and Unemployment In: GEMF Working Papers.
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2020Is the basic life-cycle theory of consumption becoming more relevant? Evidence from Portugal In: Review of Economics of the Household.
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2023AI, Demand and the Impact of Productivity-enhancing Technology on Jobs: Evidence from Portugal In: Eastern European Economics.
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2019A flatter life-cycle consumption profile In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2002Equitity prices and Monetary Policy: An Overview with an Exploratory Model In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2003Equity Prices and Monetary Policy: An Overview with an Exploratory Model.(2003) In: Computing in Economics and Finance 2003.
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2005Monetary policy and asset prices: the investment channel In: NIPE Working Papers.
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2020Is the Welfare State Relevant for Economic Growth? Evidence for Portugal In: Comparative Economic Studies.
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2006The Performance of Structural Change Tests In: Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology.
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2023Dynamic effects of financial development on economic activity In: Applied Economics.
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