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United Nations | 5 H index 3 i10 index 150 Citations RESEARCH PRODUCTION: 8 Articles 57 Papers 1 Books 1 Chapters RESEARCH ACTIVITY:
Works with: Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Julia Gruebler. | Is cited by: | Cites to: |
Journals with more than one article published | # docs |
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports) | 2 |
Year ![]() | Title of citing document ![]() |
2024 | Evaluating the Effects of Nontariff Measures on Poultry Trade. (2024). Morgan, Stephen ; Farris, Jarrad ; Beckman, Jayson. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:342470. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
2024 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
2024 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
Year ![]() | Title ![]() | Type ![]() | Cited ![]() |
2019 | The EU-Japan EPA: A Case for Non-tariff Measures In: CESifo Forum. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2021 | Characterising non-tariff trade policy In: Economic Analysis and Policy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 9 |
2020 | Characterising Non-tariff Trade Policy.(2020) In: wiiw Research Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 9 | paper | |
2018 | Non-tariff measures for better or worse In: Chapters. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | chapter | 4 |
2021 | China connecting Europe? In: Asia Europe Journal. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 2 |
2021 | On the new gold standard in EU trade integration: reviewing the EU-Japan EPA In: Empirica. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2021 | Non-Tariff Trade Policy in the Context of Deep Trade Integration: An Ex-Post Gravity Model Application to the EU-South Korea Agreement In: East Asian Economic Review. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 5 |
2022 | Import demand elasticities revisited In: The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 14 |
2016 | Import Demand Elasticities Revisited.(2016) In: wiiw Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 14 | paper | |
2017 | MOSOEL: Wirtschaftliche Konvergenz getrübt durch politische Divergenz In: WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports). [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2020 | EU und Mercosur – Auswirkungen eines Abbaus von Handelsschranken und Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit In: WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports). [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2020 | Implications of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement for Austria. A Preliminary Assessment In: WIFO Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | book | 1 |
2020 | Implications of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement for Austria - A Preliminary Assessment.(2020) In: FIW Research Reports series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1 | paper | |
2018 | Strong Growth Amid Increased Negative Risks In: wiiw Forecast Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2020 | Uncertainty in Turbulent Times In: wiiw Forecast Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2014 | Monthly Report No. 10/2014 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2015 | Monthly Report No. 5/2015 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2016 | Monthly Report No. 3/2016 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2016 | Monthly Report No. 6/2016 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2016 | Monthly Report No. 11/2016 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2016 | Monthly Report No. 12/2016 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Monthly Report No. 4/2017 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2017 | Monthly Report No. 10/2017 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | Monthly Report No. 9/2018 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2019 | Monthly Report No. 1/2019 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 5 |
2019 | Monthly Report No. 9/2019 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 4 |
2019 | Monthly Report No. 10/2019 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 4 |
2020 | Monthly Report No. 04/2020 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2020 | Monthly Report No. 06/2020 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
1970 | Monthly Report No. 07-08/2020 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2020 | Monthly Report No. 10/2020 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2021 | Monthly Report No. 1/2021 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2021 | Monthly Report No. 2/2021 In: wiiw Monthly Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2018 | Western Balkans EU Accession: Is the 2025 Target Date Realistic? In: wiiw Policy Notes. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 7 |
2018 | Economic Policy Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative for CESEE and Austria In: wiiw Policy Notes. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 3 |
2021 | Reshaping Trade Ties with China in the Aftermath of COVID-19 In: wiiw Policy Notes. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | MOSOE: Konjunkturzenit überschritten In: wiiw Research Reports in German language. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2019 | Osteuropa trotzt dem globalen Gegenwind In: wiiw Research Reports in German language. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2020 | Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen auf dem COVID-Prüfstand In: wiiw Research Reports in German language. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2017 | Wirtschaftliche Konvergenz trotz politischer Unsicherheit In: wiiw Research Reports in German language. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | The Evolution of Non-Tariff Measures and their Diverse Effects on Trade In: wiiw Research Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 41 |
2018 | The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and its Relevance for the Austrian Economy In: wiiw Research Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2021 | Wanted! Free Trade Agreements in the Service of Environmental and Climate Protection In: wiiw Research Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2021 | Wanted! Free Trade Agreements in the Service of Environmental and Climate Protection.(2021) In: FIW Research Reports series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2016 | Estimating Importer-Specific Ad Valorem Equivalents of Non-Tariff Measures In: wiiw Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 24 |
2020 | Non-tariff Trade Policy Analysis: An Ex-post Assessment of the EU-Korea Agreement In: wiiw Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2020 | Greater than the Sum of its Parts? How does Austria Profit from a Widening Network of EU Free Trade Agreements? In: wiiw Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 4 |
2018 | The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and its relevance for the Austrian Economy In: FIW Research Reports series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2020 | Implications of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement for Austria - A Preliminary Assess In: FIW Research Reports series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2020 | Greater than the sum of its parts? Does Austria profit from a widening network of EU free trade agreements? In: FIW Research Reports series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2020 | Greater than the sum of its parts? Does Austria profit from a widening network of EU free trade agreements? In: FIW Research Reports series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2014 | FIW Note No. 16 - June 2014 In: FIW Notes series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2015 | FIW Note No. 19 - March 2015 In: FIW Notes series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2016 | FIW Note No. 21 - March 2016 In: FIW Notes series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2016 | FIW Note No. 22 - September 2016 In: FIW Notes series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Die chinesische Investitionsoffensive One Belt, One Road Wirtschaftliche Potentiale für Österreich? In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Die Relevanz von nicht-tarifären Maßnahmen für den Außenhandel In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | FIW-PB 33 Die chinesische Investitionsoffensive One Belt, One Road Wirtschaftliche Potentiale für Österreich? In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | FIW-PB 36 Die Relevanz von nicht-tarifären Maßnahmen für den Außenhandel In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | Österreich zwischen Ost und West im Kontext der österreichischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | FIW-PB 42 Österreich zwischen Ost und West im Kontext der österreichischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | FIW-PB 43 Die Evolution und Bedeutung „moderner“ EU-Freihandelsabkommen In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2019 | Die Evolution und Bedeutung „moderner“ EU-Freihandelsabkommen In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2020 | EU-Freihandelsabkommen: Was liegt auf dem Tisch? In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2020 | FIW-PB 47 EU-Freihandelsabkommen: Was liegt auf dem Tisch? In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2021 | Handelspolitische Schutzmaßnahmen: Balanceakt auf einem schmalen Grat zwischen Schutz und Protektionismus In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2021 | FIW-PB 50 Handelspolitische Schutzmaßnahmen: Balanceakt auf einem schmalen Grat zwischen Schutz und Protektionismus In: FIW Policy Brief series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
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