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Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne | 2 H index 0 i10 index 21 Citations RESEARCH PRODUCTION: 14 Articles 58 Papers RESEARCH ACTIVITY:
Works with: Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Cyril Hédoin. | Is cited by: | Cites to: |
Journals with more than one article published | # docs |
Journal of Economic Methodology | 2 |
Revue d'�conomie politique | 2 |
Journal of Economic Issues | 2 |
Economics and Philosophy | 2 |
Journal of Institutional Economics | 2 |
Working Papers Series with more than one paper published | # docs |
Post-Print / HAL | 57 |
Year ![]() | Title of citing document ![]() |
2023 | How cooperative is “cooperative federalism”? The political limits to intergovernmental cooperation under a de facto concurrency rule. (2023). Munteanu, Andrei ; Scholtz, Christa. In: Constitutional Political Economy. RePEc:kap:copoec:v:34:y:2023:i:1:d:10.1007_s10602-022-09364-y. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
Year ![]() | Title ![]() | Type ![]() | Cited ![]() |
2018 | Philosophy and Economics: Recent Issues and Perspectives. Introduction to the Special Issue In: Revue d'économie politique. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2018 | Philosophy and Economics: Recent Issues and Perspectives. Introduction to the Special Issue.(2018) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1 | paper | |
2018 | On the Rationality of Team Reasoning and Some of its Normative Implications In: Revue d'économie politique. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 2 |
2018 | On the Rationality of Team Reasoning and Some of its Normative Implications.(2018) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2 | paper | |
2010 | Le r̩alisme critique de Tony Lawson : apports et limites dans une perspective institutionnaliste In: Cahiers dՎconomie politique / Papers in Political Economy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2010 | Le réalisme critique de Tony Lawson : apports et limites dans une perspective institutionnaliste.(2010) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2014 | A FRAMEWORK FOR COMMUNITY-BASED SALIENCE: COMMON KNOWLEDGE, COMMON UNDERSTANDING AND COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP.(2014) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 3 | paper | |
2017 | INSTITUTIONS, RULE-FOLLOWING AND GAME THEORY In: Economics and Philosophy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2017 | INSTITUTIONS, RULE-FOLLOWING AND GAME THEORY.(2017) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1 | paper | |
2019 | Institutions, rule-following and conditional reasoning In: Journal of Institutional Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2019 | Institutions, Rule-Following and Conditional Reasoning.(2019) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2017 | Institutions, Rule-Following and Conditional Reasoning.(2017) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2012 | Linking institutions to economic performance: the role of macro-structures in micro-explanations In: Journal of Institutional Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2012 | Linking institutions to economic performance: the role of macro-structures in micro-explanations.(2012) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1 | paper | |
2016 | Community-Based Reasoning in Games: Salience, Rule-Following, and Counterfactuals In: Games. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 2 |
2016 | Community-Based Reasoning in Games: Salience, Rule-Following, and Counterfactuals.(2016) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2 | paper | |
2016 | Game Theory, Institutions and the Schelling-Bacharach Principle: Toward an Empirical Social Ontology In: GREDEG Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2011 | Sustainable transition and multi-stakeholder coordination – the paradoxes of biomimicry technology for green chemistry In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2013 | The performativity of industrial ecology: towards cases of biomimicry in the sector of flooring In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2014 | From Cultural Capital to Cultural Heritages In: Post-Print. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2008 | Au-delà des droits économiques et des droits politiques, les droits sociaux? : XXVIIIes Journées de lAssociation déconomie sociale, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, 4 et 5 septembre 2008 In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2008 | Actualité de léconomie sociale : XXVIIIes Journées de lAssociation déconomie sociale, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, les 4 et 5 septembre 2008 In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2020 | Rethinking Paternalism: Derek Parfit’s Moral Philosophy and Normative Behavioral Economics In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | Rethinking Paternalism: Derek Parfit’s Moral Philosophy and Normative Behavioral Economics.(2018) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2020 | History, Analytic Narratives, and the Rules-in-Equilibrium View of Institutions In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2020 | Practical reasoning, rule-following and belief revision: an account in terms of Jeffrey’s rule In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | Practical Reasoning, Rule-Following and Belief Revision: An Account in Terms of Jeffrey’s Rule.(2018) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2019 | Neo-Samuelsonian Welfare Economics: From Economic to Normative Agency In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | Identity and the Value of Health In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | Naturalism and Moral Conventionalism In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | From Identity to Agency in Positive and Normative Economics In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Normative economics and paternalism: the problem with the preference-satisfaction account of welfare In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2016 | Normative Economics and Paternalism: The Problem with the Preference-Satisfaction Account of Welfare.(2016) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1 | paper | |
2017 | Normative economics and paternalism: the problem with the preference-satisfaction account of welfare.(2017) In: Constitutional Political Economy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1 | article | |
2016 | Sen’s criticism of revealed preference theory and its ‘neo-samuelsonian critique’: a methodological and theoretical assessment In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2016 | Sen’s criticism of revealed preference theory and its ‘neo-samuelsonian critique’: a methodological and theoretical assessment.(2016) In: Journal of Economic Methodology. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1 | article | |
2015 | From Utilitarianism to Paternalism: When Behavioral Economics meets Moral Philosophy In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2015 | Accounting for constitutive rules in game theory In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2015 | Accounting for constitutive rules in game theory.(2015) In: Journal of Economic Methodology. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2 | article | |
2014 | L’analyse économique de la dimension temporelle des ressources culturelles In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2013 | Models in Economics Are Not (Always) Nomological Machines In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2013 | Collective intentionality in economics: making Searles theory of institutional facts relevant for game theory In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2015 | Veblens contemporary relevance: Multilevel selection and generalized Darwinism In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2014 | Did Veblen Generalize Darwinism (And Why Does It Matter)? In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2010 | Did Veblen Generalize Darwinism (And Why Does It Matter)?.(2010) In: Journal of Economic Issues. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2 | article | |
2014 | Weber and Veblen on the Rationalization Process In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2009 | Weber and Veblen on the Rationalization Process.(2009) In: Journal of Economic Issues. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1 | article | |
2014 | L’institutionnalisme historique et la relation entre théorie et histoire en économie In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2016 | Toward a Naturalistic Philosophy of Institutions In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2011 | Review of J.M. Alexander’s The Structural Evolution of Morality In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2009 | Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy. Lessons from Medieval Trade, Avner Greif, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2006 In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2019 | Du modèle de l’homo oeconomicus à ses remises en cause In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Théorie des jeux et analyse économique des institutions In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2008 | Schmoller, Commons, Polanyi et les droits sociaux dans le cadre d’un système capitaliste In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2008 | Le marché dans une perspective institutionnaliste : l’économie institutionnelle de J.R. Commons et le réel-type de transaction In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | From thought experiments to Agent Based Models and calibration. Reflecting (on) the many facets of simulation in economics In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Time in Economics, part I In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2018 | Philosophy and Economics: Recent Issues and Perspectives In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2012 | Quand nos comportements déroutent les économistes In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2011 | L’économie selon Carl Menger In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2010 | L’économie évolutionniste In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2019 | La théorie réductionniste de la personne de Parfit invalide-t-elle la critique rawlsienne de l’utilitarisme ? In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2019 | The Beliefs-Rules-Equilibrium Account of Institutions: A Contribution to a Naturalistic Social Ontology In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | The Beliefs-Rules-Equilibrium Account of Institutions: A Contribution to a Naturalistic Social Ontology.(2018) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2018 | Identity, Behavioral Normative Economics and the Significance of the Nudge/Boost Distinction: The Case of Health and Food Policies In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | A Bayesian Conundrum: From Pragmatism to Mentalism in Bayesian and Decision Game Theory In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Participation to the roundtable on “La réception et le développement de la théorie des jeux en France” In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Historical and Institutional Analysis in Economics: The Case of Analytic Narratives In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2016 | Bayesianism and the Common Prior Assumption in Game Theory: Toward a Theory of Social Interactions In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2016 | Game Theory, Game Situations and Rational Expectations: A Dennettian View In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2012 | Veblen et son actualité : sélection multi-niveaux et darwinisme généralisé In: OEconomia. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
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