Author citation profiles: Aix-Marseille Université. École d'Économie d'Aix-Marseille

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Mohammad Abu-Zaineh5347215.29% 4
Pedro H. Albuquerque6211615.29% 7
Marcel ALOY418630% 2
Patricia Augier7112130.47% 16
Stephen Bazen8472765.15% 8
Sebastian Bervoets518904.26% 5
Nicolas Berman152622521.83% 132
Renaud Bourlès8305225.26% 30
Raouf Boucekkine2520624889.49% 77
Yann Bramoullé194423561.55% 117
Olivier CHANEL12867444% 22
Bruno Decreuse12654225.8% 17
Frédéric Deroïan9392307.63% 10
Timothée Demont310303.23% 2
Elisa Dienesch6111752.23% 13
Andreas Dibiasi435948.74% 9
Habiba Djebbari8179681.73% 64
Marion Dovis4151110% 7
Gilles Dufrénot111304824.93% 17
Frédéric Dufourt7271409.68% 6
Yannick J. Dupraz413686.85% 7
Alice Fabre49474.08% 2
Mathieu Faure417399.3% 3
Charles Figuieres87222811.28% 8
Emmanuel Flachaire13529994.13% 41
Gaëtan Fournier37156.25% 1
Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa259625421.78% 90
Karine Gente521938.82% 4
eric girardin14704792.64% 14
Céline Gimet6402014.29% 10
Nicolas Gravel136234610.59% 11
Jean-Baptiste Hasse3112519.35% 5
Fanny Henriet8302534.89% 16
Uros Herman38434.44% 4
Sullivan Hué35422.33% 10
Phoebe W. Ishak3101825% 6
Sébastien Laurent236930881.69% 123
Didier Laussel161038394.88% 19
Charles Lai Tong6151680.59% 6
Christelle LECOURT10214523.21% 20
Mathieu Lefebvre9834776.47% 25
Michel Lubrano11696054.12% 15
Stéphane Luchini10434313.58% 20
Paolo Melindi-Ghidi6277718.09% 5
Eva Moreno Galbis9333056.73% 15
Christophe MULLER118650711.98% 17
Alain Paraponaris8461573.09% 5
Patrick Pintus13646769.14% 25
Céline Poilly8212891.7% 19
Lorenzo Rotunno6161110% 9
Marc Sangnier12346733.58% 48
Christian Schluter11263832.3% 15
Thomas Seegmuller147555413.57% 25
Avner Seror4164324.56% 8
Antoine Soubeyran121146076.9% 16
Hubert Stahn44412212.23% 4
Agnes Tomini3205125% 3
Federico Trionfetti11284424.95% 17
Alain Trannoy2419725543.22% 69
Tanguy van Ypersele15478762.56% 30
Alain Venditti1410859314.43% 19
bruno ventelou101393955.5% 17
Roberta Ziparo5111033.74% 12

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