Author citation profiles: Banco de Portugal

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
António Antunes10333912.98% 23
Diana Bonfim11465252.78% 25
Sonia Cabral12394135.06% 21
Fátima Cardoso5191122.61% 5
Maria Manuel Campos7251298.51% 8
Daniel Carvalho4125213.33% 4
Sónia Costa9232513.83% 10
Dudley Cooke411410% 3
Cláudia Filipa Duarte7292304.17% 12
Paulo Soares Esteves11402954.22% 10
Ricardo Mourinho Félix82014610.43% 9
Sandra Gomes11244656.25% 24
Paulo Guimaraes226726501.16% 91
Paulo Fernando Rodrigues Lérias Júlio7231478.13% 16
José R. Maria9432559.89% 13
Fernando Manuel Monteiro Martins94213222.65% 55
Carlos Robalo Marques15618303.26% 36
Katja Neugebauer5201752.23% 11
Manuel Coutinho Pereira7311967.55% 11
Maximiano Pinheiro618876.45% 3
Pedro Portugal3011038402.86% 106
Hugo Reis6301176.4% 5
António Rua165311833.03% 69
Nuno Silva310150% 1
Carla Soares7161481.99% 10
Ana Cristina Soares69856.59% 9
Pedro Teles165611114.88% 41

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team