Author citation profiles: Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Iñaki Aldasoro13436055.62% 40
Marlene Amstad8242049.73% 10
Adonis Antoniades46414.65% 5
Sirio Aramonte6191440.69% 14
David Archer6131170% 3
Raphael Auer197315056.05% 57
Fernando Hugo Avalos6121611.23% 16
Stefan Avdjiev214413962.65% 107
Ryan Niladri Banerjee12306022.27% 30
Morten L. Bech193818461.28% 97
Frédéric Boissay13296491.82% 24
Claudio BORIO47130115510.91% 303
Paolo Cavallino591722.82% 24
Carlos Armando de Jesus Cantu Garcia513662.94% 22
Julian Caballero7143262.1% 17
Gong Cheng8271918.17% 17
Stijn Claessens55234158070.85% 451
Benoit Coeuré6461650.6% 5
Giulio Cornelli7222742.49% 68
Benjamin H. Cohen8153111.27% 14
Fiorella De Fiore13317942.93% 30
Sebastian Doerr10342209.47% 36
Mathias Drehmann285738951.24% 185
Magdalena Anna Erdem36700% 8
Egemen Eren7111314.38% 21
Neil Esho9142461.2% 9
Marc Farag441020% 11
Ingo Fender17336502.11% 27
Andrew Filardo195824621.28% 94
Jon Frost185510143.34% 63
Blaise Gadanecz9433192.74% 15
Leonardo Gambacorta3914069382.32% 256
R. Gaston Gelos203723301.23% 97
Tirupam Goel48380% 6
Bryan Hardy8242444.31% 34
Boris Hofmann296730531.83% 127
Corrinne Ho9115440.37% 68
Peter Hördahl143312811.08% 49
Wenqian Huang6191205.51% 20
Deniz Igan197324051.11% 141
Enisse Kharroubi112711270.79% 75
Emanuel Kohlscheen12424954.07% 20
Anneke Kosse11233913.69% 30
Ulf Lewrick9191672.91% 16
Giovanni Lombardo16328962.5% 44
Marco Jacopo Lombardi186713322.2% 60
Carlos Madeira65012424.85% 9
Patrick M. McGuire266025951.67% 144
Aaron Nikolai Mehrotra16718033.72% 40
Dubravko Mihaljek15537961.36% 24
Richhild Moessner168112684.23% 57
Cyril Monnet14566784.1% 29
Madhusudan Mohanty182914570.48% 76
Benoit Mojon268236091.69% 120
Gabor Pinter10383967.48% 39
HAN QIU47913.19% 22
Daniel M. Rees10292754.51% 16
Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul8303156.53% 24
Christian Schmieder10282713.9% 15
Andreas Schrimpf227119422.17% 107
Jochen Schanz4161533.77% 10
Rafael Schmidt8153641.62% 20
Jose Maria Serena Garralda7462273.4% 13
Hyun Song Shin65236156511.05% 460
ILHYOCK SHIM195916341.98% 81
Koji Takahashi5196710.67% 5
Nikola Tarashev16389612.24% 53
Elod Takats15496963.2% 34
Bruno TISSOT6651275.93% 5
Kostas Tsatsaronis183521900.5% 87
Christian Upper133115590.38% 86
Goetz von Peter163519861.68% 94
Philip D Wooldridge15386011.96% 22
Fan Dora Xia81314240.28% 178
James Yetman197913672.84% 59
Fabrizio Zampolli12349231.18% 48

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team