Author citation profiles: Bank of Canada

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Sushant Acharya8232744.53% 19
Jason Allen12424535.23% 25
Patrick D. Alexander312224.35% 3
Rohan Arora3131926.92% 6
Julien Bengui6161974.37% 13
Christian Bustamante39320% 2
Thomas J. Carter421497.55% 3
Heng Chen7261687.69% 18
Bo Young Chang592861.04% 20
Tony Chernis410945.05% 15
Julien Champagne6161187.81% 9
Jonathan Chiu13447212.44% 40
James Thompson Edward Chapman8251815.24% 12
Calista Cheung7182690.37% 16
David A. Cimon38424.55% 6
Tatjana Dahlhaus8172010% 16
S. Mohammad R. Davoodalhosseini6131795.29% 19
Daniel James de Munnik411416.82% 3
Antonio Diez de los Rios8171624.14% 8
Edouard Djeutem37309.09% 3
Wei Dong7161684.55% 11
Chris D'Souza421616.15% 3
Thibaut Duprey7242095.43% 20
Geoffrey Dunbar3202361.67% 13
Reinhard Ellwanger512613.17% 8
Bruno Feunou10373795.72% 27
Marie-Helene Felt6171744.92% 14
Jean-Sebastien Fontaine6372376.32% 16
Christian Friedrich8183144.27% 22
Ben S.C. Fung13324802.64% 18
Corey Garriott4157910.23% 9
Madanmohan Ghosh9292075.48% 8
Stefano Gnocchi8132080.95% 12
Justin-Damien Guenette6153241.22% 36
Daniela Hauser35394.88% 4
Martin Harding45832.35% 20
Christopher M. Hajzler5221577.65% 8
Christopher S. Henry6151347.59% 14
Kim P. Huynh19819604.57% 43
Yuko Imura381417.65% 1
Janet Hua Jiang8192263.42% 15
Craig M.T. Johnston8281656.78% 15
Serdar Kabaca4117410.84% 6
Sharon Kozicki175720671.99% 62
Olena Kostyshyna514951.04% 5
Mark Kruger5141470% 3
Oleksiy Kryvtsov123812181.62% 60
Martin Kuncl4123014.29% 3
Natalia Kyui311414.65% 4
Fuchun Li7212112.76% 9
刘学智36260% 2
Zhentong Lu313495.77% 4
Dmitry Matveev414507.41% 10
James MacGee9386303.08% 27
Rhys Mendes8222514.2% 17
Cesaire Meh164012061.63% 54
Miguel Molico9205200.76% 23
Molnár, József6121253.1% 5
Gradon Nicholls7121226.15% 24
Javier Ojea Ferreiro3121924% 4
Guillaume Ouellet Leblanc3162023.08% 4
Youngmin Park4199810.09% 12
Abeer Reza59792.47% 9
James Rossiter45730% 14
Barbara Maria Sadaba38170% 2
Lawrence Schembri9352223.9% 6
Josef Schroth3172528.57% 2
Rodrigo Sekkel9203571.92% 19
Kurt See519613.17% 10
Oleksandr Shcherbakov7131392.8% 7
Maral Shamloo45631.56% 9
Jacob M. Short410952.06% 7
Lin Shao3142040.97% 17
Walter Steingress7194592.75% 30
Temel Taskin6301823.7% 13
Ben Tomlin7172063.29% 12
Garima Vasishtha9152230% 11
Angelika Welte6162016.51% 16
Jonathan Witmer7211124.27% 7
Yinxi Xie3105613.85% 8
Jing Yang112510130.3% 42
Yinan Nellie Zhang381710.53% 1
YU ZHU7201533.77% 12

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team