Author citation profiles: Banco de la Republica de Colombia

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
J. Sebastián Amador-Torres4113913.33% 3
Carlos A. Arango12354324.21% 22
Fernando Arias Rodríguez524964.95% 6
Luis Eduardo Arango Thomas1310953610.96% 19
Yanneth Rocio Betancourt-Garcia7211531.92% 7
leonardo bonilla mejia6521478.13% 10
juan esteban carranza5301033.74% 6
Luz A. Florez6441219.7% 6
Arturo José Galindo17798803.4% 29
Aaron Levi Garavito6301266.67% 6
Fredy Gamboa-Estrada320310% 2
Margarita Gafaro4164513.46% 4
Javier G. Gómez-Pineda6621758.85% 5
Andres Gonzalez13597823.58% 30
Alejandra Ximena Gonzalez-Ramirez3102215.38% 2
Catalina Granda-Carvajal5174916.95% 2
Anderson Grajales-Olarte311260% 2
Franz Hamann9412306.88% 8
Didier Hermida410306.25% 10
Ana Maria Iregui11734755.57% 22
Juan Manuel Julio-Román10672559.57% 7
Francisco Javier Lasso7181025.56% 4
Carlos León68322222.65% 11
Ignacio Lozano-Espitia96924311.96% 9
Martha López73416213.37% 7
David Camilo López3154413.73% 5
Alexander Guarín López5165210.34% 3
Constanza Martínez-Ventura423328.57% 1
Ligia Melo13995459.32% 18
Carlos Medina116742510.71% 14
Luis Melo1214655211.68% 17
Enrique Montes-Uribe6491199.85% 5
Leonardo Fabio Morales64614617.05% 9
Andrés Murcia11393474.93% 20
Jose Antonio Ocampo2121719152.15% 49
Jair N Ojeda-Joya7411118.26% 5
Juan J. Ospina-Tejeiro5202750% 39
Daniel Parra-Amado4263018.92% 2
Julián Andrés Parra-Polanía63810312.71% 5
Alex Perez3131611.11% 3
Christian Manuel Posso7361268.03% 7
Jose Pulido720976.73% 6
Maria Teresa Ramirez-Giraldo8804716.92% 14
Mario A. Ramos-Veloza418482.04% 2
Jorge Ramos-Forero10423417.34% 12
Sergio Restrepo-Ángel315257.41% 1
Hernan Rincon-Castro116734310.44% 11
José Vicente Romero525858.6% 4
Norberto Rodríguez7491973.43% 7
Sebastian Sanin Restrepo, Sr.38170% 2
Miguel Sarmiento82518411.54% 13
ROBERTO STEINER13826982.65% 17
Jorge Hernán Toro-Córdoba6231871.58% 6
Carmina O. Vargas5196911.54% 5
Hernando Vargas-Herrera11583824.26% 11
Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas85029715.38% 16
Diego Vásquez-Escobar9291655.17% 9
Hector Manuel Zarate-Solano8581755.91% 8

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