Author citation profiles: Zhejiang University. China Academy for Rural Development (CARD)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Shuai Chen7153420.87% 42
Binlei GONG6231776.35% 29
hongyun han515992.94% 5
Shaosheng Jin3243113.89% 2
Chen Ji38591.67% 5
Qiao Liang8231763.83% 14
Wencong Lu5141040% 5
Rui Mao530795.95% 7
Wenrong Qian37270% 2
Jianqing Ruan414945.05% 7
Xinjie Shi591010.98% 33
Jiehong Zhou518791.25% 6

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