Author citation profiles: Government of the United States. Department of Commerce

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jose G. Asturias451315.07% 21
Emek Basker13277543.46% 41
Randy A. Becker11207352.52% 28
J. David Brown175511644.35% 46
Garret S. Christensen672320.85% 58
Emin Dinlersoz12494017.82% 16
Andrew Foote611933.13% 13
Lucia Smith Foster195941051.3% 164
Nathan Goldschlag5131043.7% 14
Christopher F. Goetz7121651.2% 9
Cheryl Grim9165262.05% 26
Henry Richard Hyatt13415766.65% 44
Hubert Piotr Janicki8172523.08% 13
Zachary Kroff36290% 9
Sang Nguyen11415272.59% 15
Elisabeth Ruth Perlman38420% 5
Kevin Rinz4121034.63% 12
Danielle H. Sandler413995.71% 9
James R. Spletzer203516321.39% 52
Lawrence Warren3111627.27% 2
T. Kirk White10213452.82% 18
Zoltán Wolf10142305.35% 12
Nikolas Jason Zolas7212591.52% 23

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team