Author citation profiles: Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (CREST)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Romain AEBERHARDT9132891.7% 32
Marie-Laure Allain103928310.44% 12
Stéphane Auray1110033710.61% 15
Christian Belzil16528397.5% 27
David Benatia611617.58% 6
Pierre Boyer114326212.08% 20
Jocelyn Boussard38861.15% 8
Nicolas Chopin9296362% 30
Beatrice Cherrier6271026.42% 6
Philippe Choné12457842% 32
Gregory Corcos595310.19% 106
Elise Coudin5181204.76% 10
Patricia Crifo14835443.37% 22
Laurent Davezies7181603.03% 10
Arnak Dalalyan3134110.87% 2
Xavier D'Haultfoeuille145515672.18% 74
Christian Francq199010036.26% 40
Bertrand Garbinti14476858.3% 76
Pauline GIVORD13515562.46% 26
Olivier Gossner14544905.22% 21
Marion Goussé6211404.76% 15
Guillaume Idriss Hollard10453315.43% 11
Anett John48623.13% 5
Yukio Koriyama4121145.79% 8
Francis Kramarz3412181141.05% 219
Laurent Linnemer13607652.3% 29
Olivier Loisel10303013.22% 12
Franck MALHERBET10304655.3% 21
Jean-Baptiste Michau61913010.34% 8
Alain Monfort2511638771.25% 80
Matias Nuñez4448520.56% 5
Manasa Patnam772851.38% 40
Pierre Picard188010173.33% 22
Jean-Pierre Ponssard131085398.64% 10
Julien Prat11227691.91% 45
Roland Rathelot135312512.11% 73
Alessandro Riboni12244455.32% 27
Benoit Schmutz6292126.61% 14
Anna Simoni72014410.56% 12
Anthony Strittmatter72633410.7% 27
Emmanuelle TAUGOURDEAU6471619.55% 6
Arne Uhlendorff186312704.58% 63
Thibaud Vergé9184190.71% 34
michael visser14428351.07% 26
Jean-Michel Zakoian208319492.55% 67

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