Author citation profiles: Kansas State University. Department of Agricultural Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Vincent Amanor-Boadu9592071.43% 6
Andrew Barkley8582354.08% 8
Jason S. Bergtold7882169.62% 9
Brian Briggeman9923822.3% 18
Brian Coffey418397.14% 1
Timothy J. Dalton9322021.46% 8
Kevin C. Dhuyvetter12543262.98% 14
Allen Featherstone1724712926.04% 34
Terry Wayne Griffin4401038.85% 5
Nathan P. Hendricks11653725.58% 26
Jennifer Ifft10792664.66% 17
Richard Von Llewelyn5211290.77% 4
Tebila NAKELSE35480% 16
Dustin L. Pendell7451513.82% 8
Edward D. Perry410597.81% 2
Gabriel Sampson413566.67% 3
Benjamin Schwab7321304.41% 10
Ted Schroeder2717925332.5% 64
Jesse B. Tack85620410.53% 8
Glynn T. Tonsor171428835.05% 44
FRANCIS TSIBOE427746.33% 10
Nelson Benjamin Villoria7481855.13% 8
Jeffery R. Williams9713924.16% 10
Tian Xia7441711.72% 7
Elizabeth A. Yeager3442524.24% 1
Jisang Yu6381313.68% 5

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team