Author citation profiles: University of Canterbury. Business School

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jeremy Edmund Clark114710911.89% 41
Tom Coupé10593981.49% 19
Kuntal K. Das420830% 5
Alfred V. Guender64612418.42% 4
Philip Gunby3141880% 6
Onur A. Koska3383238.46% 1
Andrea Kutinova Menclova7241224.69% 9
Laura Meriluoto421570% 3
Gilbert Nartea12424012.2% 14
W. Robert Reed1911514155.03% 41
Philip Vermeulen204719611.26% 85
Richard Watt7452094.13% 9
Mona Yaghoubi37586.45% 11

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