Author citation profiles: University of Colorado. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Francisca M. Antman12256153.45% 34
Oleg Baranov46535.36% 8
Martin Boileau8222098.33% 8
Jeronimo Carballo12265083.79% 36
Ann M. Carlos10612244.27% 5
Brian C. Cadena8134691.26% 29
Yongmin Chen267522532.72% 72
Jonathan Edward Hughes9187791.64% 48
Taylor Jaworski521942.08% 6
Daniel Kaffine15526163.14% 36
Miles Spencer Kimball296076770.87% 213
Xiaodong Liu14329973.11% 83
Carlos Brunet Martins-Filho11382795.74% 9
Richard K. Mansfield663690.54% 30
Keith E. Maskus3413944321.36% 108
James R. Markusen45130119330.91% 248
Adam McCloskey7121613.59% 12
Robert McNown16459360.85% 21
Terra McKinnish12267591.81% 31
Edward R. Morey153611460.87% 30
Sergey Nigai7183902.74% 32
Scott James Savage14556632.07% 26
Donald M. Waldman17319420.74% 26
Jeffrey Zax14397250.68% 23
Shuang Zhang471930.52% 19

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team