Author citation profiles: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Facultad de Economía y Empresa

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Josu Arteche7322757.41% 11
Eva Ferreira6291374.86% 5
Javier Fernandez-Macho6281362.86% 4
Ana Fernandez-Sainz524340% 1
Javier García Enríquez3111810% 2
David Hoyos9375362.9% 31
Petr Mariel12584234.73% 16
Vicente Núñez-Antón526399.3% 2
Jesus Orbe3192420% 1

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team