Author citation profiles: Lancaster University. Management School

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Vudayagiri N. Balasubramanyam126913090.83% 31
Steve Bradley14545333.44% 20
Dakshina G. De Silva11553968.33% 18
Renaud Foucart528675.63% 6
Konstantinos Georgalos3182715.63% 3
Hilary Ingham535808.05% 2
Geraint Johnes1710612592.85% 38
Kim Kaivanto3215213.33% 2
Mirela Sorina Miescu411273.57% 5
Giorgio E. Motta691033.74% 9
Ivan Paya13595005.66% 31
Efthymios G. Pavlidis9292214.33% 13
David A. Peel2527937952.01% 74
Robert Read10403573.51% 11
David Rietzke483510.26% 3
Robert Rothschild7493052.24% 8
SAURABH SINGHAL7291717.57% 14
Aurélie Slechten413681.45% 5
Kwok Tong Soo6442503.1% 15
Stefano Soccorsi56907.22% 18
Jim Taylor12594631.91% 10
Orestis Troumpounis7131077.76% 13
John Whittaker415466.12% 1
Eyal Winter258520501.82% 41
Roy Zilberman310934.12% 8

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team