Author citation profiles: University of Melbourne. Faculty of Business and Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Reshad Ahsan692351.26% 29
Georgy Artemov410543.57% 3
Victoria Baranov8131861.59% 31
Ivan Balbuzanov47303.23% 4
Peter Bardsley8472792.45% 7
David P. Byrne7182262.16% 16
Marc K. Chan6231428.97% 14
Andrew J. Clarke611914.21% 7
Michael Bernard Coelli9232843.73% 9
Robert Dixon91034926.82% 10
Chris Edmond10228260.24% 35
Nisvan Erkal12406923.62% 36
Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo8232653.64% 20
David Harris10203350.59% 18
Joseph Gerald Hirschberg10683927.11% 10
Laszlo Konya8363111.58% 12
Guy Mayraz8125561.77% 46
Phillip McCalman11274822.63% 20
Ian Martin McDonald119611402.15% 27
Maria P. Recalde6103500.85% 43
Christopher Lachlan Skeels7341735.46% 5
Yong Song8121601.23% 17
Kevin E. Staub11217711.03% 55
Eik Leong Swee5131872.6% 15
Lawrence Uren514472.08% 2
Jenny Williams15495898.54% 17
Tom Wilkening7223463.08% 26
Tomasz Woźniak382521.88% 3

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team