Author citation profiles: University of Miami. Miami Herbert Business School

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
David Andolfatto188821042.59% 67
Michael Bahaamonde Connolly9231800.55% 3
Rong Hai5101140% 12
Alex Ronen Horenstein3143950.75% 39
Ayça Kaya6161132.59% 4
David L. Kelly10365353.08% 17
Christopher Parmeter2013015234.69% 95
Philip Kenneth Robins197916221.4% 36
Manuel S. Santos165014981.45% 44
Noah Williams172918401.18% 92
Ian A. Wright34253.85% 4

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