Author citation profiles: University of Nottingham. School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Facundo Albornoz10478784.46% 46
Marta Aloi7191361.45% 5
Michael Bleaney1916022022.39% 52
Spiros Bougheas15699812.78% 33
Sarah Bridges9224780.42% 21
Jake Bradley481301.52% 2
Robin Cubitt183611301.82% 37
Gianni De Fraja209017092.45% 50
Markus Eberhardt144220401.88% 136
Paolo Epifani11247862.36% 41
John Gathergood16529363.8% 55
María García-Vega5101460% 9
Sourafel Girma3311238701.8% 175
Alejandro G. Graziano691120.88% 12
Toomas Hinnosaar417434.44% 4
Marit Hinnosaar5178012.09% 3
Giammario Impullitti8235105.73% 31
Richard Anthony Kneller3213352761.55% 211
Stephen Leybourne2812143021.53% 138
Kevin Lee187815512.76% 44
Patrick Marsh3242140% 1
Chris Robert Milner1912615892.09% 40
Atsuyoshi Morozumi715943.09% 11
Rahul Mukherjee487315.12% 7
Alex Possajennikov7373075.54% 11
Margarita Rubio11395154.98% 39
Alessandro Ruggieri481010.98% 12
Adam Hal Spencer34293.33% 3
cecilia testa8172043.77% 8
Gregory Thwaites153411221.67% 62

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team