Author citation profiles: Université de Genève. Geneva School of Economics and Management

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Giacomo De Giorgi185216212.17% 90
Salvatore Di Falco227021271.66% 125
Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti7224651.48% 27
Henri Loubergé9441452.03% 3
Emmanuel Milet8142331.69% 21
Tobias Müller6221754.37% 5
Monika Mrazova8123231.82% 26
Marcelo Olarreaga2813127742.56% 102
Michele Pellizzari183613221.93% 73
Frederic Robert-Nicoud195225252.17% 109
Jean-Marc Solleder3133719.57% 6
Aleksey Tetenov7122873.69% 20

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team