Author citation profiles: Simon Fraser University. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Victor H. Aguiar62411312.4% 11
Bertille Antoine6191739.9% 10
Fernando Martín Aragón Sánchez7244101.2% 24
Chris Bidner7161813.21% 13
Lawrence A. Boland6361671.76% 3
Serena Canaan6101162.52% 16
Gregory K. Dow11404943.52% 11
Stephen T. Easton8412563.03% 6
David J. Freeman514924.17% 9
Lucas M Herrenbrueck7182059.29% 20
Alexander K. Karaivanov10373634.97% 15
Kenneth Kasa14569760.91% 32
Anke S. Kessler13314902.39% 22
Dongwoo Kim47487.69% 9
Brian Krauth9193162.17% 13
Richard George Lipsey1710017431.41% 34
Christoph Lülfesmann7242084.15% 13
Shih En Lu57982.97% 7
Steeve Mongrain10323193.92% 13
Pierre Mouganie6131693.98% 21
Gordon M. Myers14348282.13% 25
Krishna Pendakur175913233.64% 47
Luba Petersen9192913.64% 29
Arthur Robson198016601.78% 36
Nicolas Schmitt14476213.72% 20
Kevin T. Schnepel5112182.24% 15
Hitoshi Shigeoka10265471.26% 54
Simon D. Woodcock8244653.33% 21

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team