Author citation profiles: Stanford University. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ran Abramitzky142811461.29% 67
Adrien Auclert11189921.78% 124
Kyle Bagwell339950252.01% 139
B. Douglas Bernheim46115115840.52% 269
Luigi Bocola9206152.07% 61
Levi Boxell6105280.38% 132
arun gautham chandrasekhar12275132.29% 42
Jacob Conway394370.23% 72
Pascaline Dupas225237731.2% 164
Mark Duggan256125751.53% 111
Liran Einav327835581.69% 169
Avner Greif225945900.5% 135
Robert Hall51190211470.35% 391
Caroline Hoxby315851390.66% 205
Ravi Jagadeesan374310.42% 21
Matthew O. Jackson5216598020.94% 264
Mordecai Kurz175712171.7% 25
Paul Milgrom46105224390.23% 487
Melanie Morten8153341.18% 23
Petra Persson10197270.95% 72
Luigi Pistaferri346858580.95% 234
Alvin Roth50167121841.06% 259
Martin Schneider246843000.85% 153
Isaac Sorkin91511450.61% 143
Gavin Wright158114030.5% 27

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team