Author citation profiles: Texas A&M University. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Yonghong An7131302.26% 14
Andrew Barr7111543.75% 19
Pedro Bento51417412.12% 17
Edgar K. Browning11459330.85% 30
Alexander Lindale Brown10264002.91% 25
Marco Castillo14389061.2% 34
Jennifer L. Doleac9193681.08% 33
Catherine C Eckel3312368201.1% 174
Li Gan15699322.61% 35
Timothy James Gronberg12244190.95% 11
Dennis W. Jansen176111621.27% 32
Qi Li3314546520.87% 140
Jonathan Meer194913982.1% 69
Ragan Petrie184416961.45% 80
Steven L. Puller172110640.93% 46
Danila Serra12299042.16% 47
Tatevik Sekhposyan14278592.5% 57
Guoqiang Tian91264509.46% 11
Rodrigo A. Velez5198316.16% 7
Sarah Zubairy142722270.89% 148

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team