Author citation profiles: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
César Alonso-Borrego112410221.06% 35
Julio Fernando Cáceres-Delpiano6191705.56% 7
raquel carrasco14509472.07% 33
Jesus M. Carro8162964.21% 14
Antonio Cabrales2111715935.23% 51
Luis C. Corchon15977563.57% 21
Philipp Denter4126116.44% 6
Miguel A. Delgado15659301.8% 28
Juan J. Dolado3415960791.7% 164
Andres Erosa163214181.73% 54
Alvaro Escribano151109575.99% 25
Juan Carlos Escanciano18619524.03% 52
José Luis Ferreira428879.38% 3
Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga163212553.68% 69
Luisa Fuster14316413.32% 21
Boris Ginzburg3121938.71% 3
Jesus Gonzalo197029981.54% 96
Angel Hernando-Veciana5238014.89% 3
Belén Jerez7192178.44% 9
Matthias Kredler613993.88% 6
Warn Nuarpear Lekfuangfu8212193.95% 24
Antoine LOEPER681532.55% 13
Matilde P. Machado6211435.92% 5
Francisco Marhuenda7191406.67% 5
Luigi Minale7104411.56% 49
Ricardo Mora Villarrubia10393763.84% 12
Diego Moreno14565307.83% 18
Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero10352466.46% 10
Antonio Romero Medina9342968.64% 10
Javier Ruiz-Castillo1612211446.92% 30
Mateus Souza310410% 8
Jan Leonard Stuhler102911122.11% 65
Carlos Velasco176412052.98% 44
Felix Wellschmied6171128.2% 9
Emircan Yurdagul8191616.94% 14

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team