Author citation profiles: University of Connecticut. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
William Alpert318640% 1
Talia Bar8241974.83% 11
Metin Cosgel8672806.98% 8
Kenneth Couch175112801.16% 40
Steven Ray Cunningham313310% 3
Delia Furtado12334774.6% 28
Paul Hallwood68115110.65% 3
Oskar R. Harmon5211081.82% 3
Dennis Heffley572662.94% 1
Jungbin Hwang585910.61% 11
Chihwa Kao178839271.16% 103
Min Seong Kim49975.83% 6
Richard N. Langlois179013101.06% 31
William A. McEachern368224.35% 0
Lanse Minkler9252186.44% 7
Thomas Miceli1916813354.85% 37
Kanda Naknoi6211096.03% 5
Nishith Prakash9264954.44% 33
Subhash Ray1810915103.21% 36
Stephen Ross2411824243.92% 80
Kathleen Segerson2110718191.89% 51
Mikhael Shor8261966.22% 10
David Eliot Simon6133521.12% 32
Kai Zhao8262218.68% 15

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team