Author citation profiles: University of Delaware. Lerner College of Business and Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Burton Alan Abrams11444373.74% 10
Richard J. Agnello4121292.27% 3
Michael A. Arnold8262642.22% 8
Carlos J. Asarta4286010.45% 5
Sabrin beg311260% 6
Kathryn Elizabeth Bender34230% 7
James L. Butkiewicz11343063.47% 7
Francisco Costa5141894.06% 23
Joseph I. Daniel8143892.26% 20
Evangelos M. Falaris10203020.98% 7
Olga Gorbachev5121495.1% 8
Farley Grubb77114123.37% 3
Hans Aasnes Holter8153915.33% 32
William R. Latham321589.38% 1
Charles R. Link9382401.23% 5
Adrienne M Lucas9214751.86% 36
Jeffrey B. Miller8501762.22% 4
George R Parsons184512631.02% 39
Amy Ellen Schwartz156511662.02% 37
Jorge Soares8204782.45% 25
Jeremy Tobacman111713590.8% 59
Matthew Noel White482692.89% 38

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team