Author citation profiles: University of Kent. School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Nizar Allouch94233210.27% 16
Amrit Amirapu5111440.69% 18
Alastair StJohn Bailey9503574.29% 15
Irma Clots-Figueras10259362.4% 52
William Collier511991.98% 5
Sophia Davidova171029614.47% 30
Robert Weston Fraser911735314.94% 9
Iain Fraser181019705.09% 33
Amanda Gosling9207770.89% 35
Adelina Gschwandtner9412824.73% 12
Christopher Heady13379720.61% 27
Wei Jiang49320% 2
Hans-Martin Krolzig183816661.42% 83
Andrey Launov9173973.41% 22
Miguel Leon-Ledesma229219381.97% 74
Fernanda Leite Lopez de Leon39812.41% 4
Mahreen Mahmud411851.16% 7
Bansi Malde6151287.91% 9
Anirban Mitra4131614.73% 17
Penélope Pacheco López6131174.1% 11
John Douglas Peirson8292532.32% 6
Matloob Piracha12427914.12% 34
Aubrey Poon7351859.76% 8
Anthony Nicholas George Savagar361430% 2
Katsuyuki Shibayama413464.17% 4
Christian Siegel51316815.58% 15
Roger Vickerman189014501.09% 28
Zaki Wahhaj10383247.95% 14
Alpo Willman166414803.46% 42

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team