Author citation profiles: Barcelona School of Economics (BSE). Universitat Pompeu Fabra

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Larbi Alaoui341230% 17
Jose Apesteguia163711983.46% 57
Benito Arruñada98738613.65% 11
Albert Banal-Estanol13374225.8% 26
Christian T. Brownlees143019541.06% 114
Albert Carreras522593.28% 2
Rodrigo Carril35348.11% 6
Andrea Caggese10224234.94% 19
Xavier Cuadras-Morató4267412.94% 2
Jésica de Armas39580% 7
Davide Debortoli12274765.37% 28
Jan Eeckhout186423962.04% 92
Mircea Epure9171923.52% 12
Walter Garcia-Fontes7203480.85% 15
Teresa Garcia-Mila7176131.61% 19
Fabrizio Germano10304576.73% 19
Albrecht Glitz142019421.17% 129
Libertad Gonzalez14489232.94% 46
Sergi Jimenez-Martin1412666910.68% 23
Humberto Llavador7223056.15% 13
Andreu Mas-Colell318760000.38% 127
Geert Mesters7181513.21% 13
Massimo Motta228628951.66% 72
Joan Monras8175115.19% 73
Rosemarie Nagel215128131.16% 108
Luigi Pascali694012.91% 36
Maria Petrova121913821.78% 115
Jose-Luis Peydro3410760143.87% 300
Barbara Rossi317639332.24% 196
Sandro Shelegia6201534.38% 11
Eva Ventura4131172.5% 5

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