Author citation profiles: University of Southern California. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Joshua Aizenman4630872664.6% 173
Marianne Andries57623.13% 7
Marco Angrisani7301816.22% 15
Timothy Armstrong12203235% 32
Silvia Helena Barcellos6113380.29% 21
Vittorio Bassi5111492.61% 21
Daniel M. Bennett8142110.94% 19
Augustin Bergeron36390% 6
Caroline Marie Betts71415720.51% 56
Daniel Jacob Benjamin164019371.02% 96
Isabelle Brocas13696356.2% 26
Leandro Siqueira Carvalho9165820.68% 48
Juan D. Carrillo16779854.74% 42
Thomas Chaney152032120.74% 229
Robert Dekle176212921.45% 41
Richard A. Easterlin3212769610.46% 114
cheng hsiao2913948630.9% 103
Arie Kapteyn3417140922.48% 80
Matthew Kahn4219973021.55% 228
Pablo Kurlat8152902.68% 24
Nicolas Lambert6181140% 11
Jinkook Lee7552134.91% 8
Michael Leung6141276.62% 15
Jonathan Libgober35130% 4
Soeren Mattke58490% 3
Robert D Metcalfe205015762.23% 105
Hyungsik Roger Moon215429081.19% 116
Afshin Nikzad34531.85% 53
Jeffrey B. Nugent1914213271.34% 23
Paulina Oliva11139460.73% 86
Mohammad Hashem Pesaran78339495070.82% 990
Romain Rancière184431511.38% 150
Simone G. Schaner8163971% 39
John Strauss276739920.6% 97
Guofu Tan13317541.44% 27
Patrick Turley791970.51% 19
Diego Vilán4141100% 6
Jeffrey Weaver34470% 9
Simon Wilkie8303232.12% 11
David Laszlo Zeke48325.88% 4

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team