Author citation profiles: University of Western Ontario. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Audra J. Bowlus13429012.49% 33
David F. Burgess8292472.76% 5
Elizabeth Caucutt12257512.97% 34
Tai-Yeong Chung6102450.41% 18
Simona Elena Cociuba616808.05% 7
timothy guy conley203342550.4% 163
James Byron Davies218318391.71% 41
Juan Carlos Hatchondo134010353.63% 69
David Laidler1821113581.67% 23
James Clark Leith429484% 0
Lance Lochner276562281.49% 249
Charles Olivier MAO TAKONGMO3142635% 3
Rory McGee484118% 8
Nirav Mehta520688.11% 6
James R. Melvin9514080.49% 12
Salvador Navarro122615281.55% 84
Sergio Ocampo5211326.38% 11
Gregory Pavlov8133202.44% 40
Michael Parkin10524670.85% 10
Ananth Ramanarayanan5134020.25% 25
David A. Rivers8123301.49% 25
Chris M. Robinson13407392.25% 17
Terry Sicular114510112.13% 27
Peter Alfred Streufert5381956.7% 5
Todd R. Stinebrickner184419452.75% 84
John Whalley3133152032.78% 108
Stephen Williamson248127452.17% 72
Ronald Wintrobe14489471.15% 21

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team