Author citation profiles: Vanderbilt University. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jeremy Atack14625743.04% 11
Brian Beach7192601.89% 28
Adam Blandin5151632.98% 20
Eric W. Bond219317291.87% 43
William J. Collins18657894.48% 30
John Conley14726266.01% 21
Andrew F. Daughety217211162.79% 24
Robert A. Driskill11493801.81% 9
Benjamin Eden9734179.15% 9
Federico H. Gutierrez35630% 21
Carolyn Heinrich13466863.38% 29
Kevin X.D. Huang15849914.44% 41
Gregory W. Huffman114727810.47% 79
Atsushi Inoue286632481.37% 108
Tong Li174110352.17% 39
Kathleen McKiernan34150% 5
Andrea Moro11366842.56% 24
Mattias K Polborn165510762.36% 41
Jennifer Reinganum287535350.87% 82
Peter Rousseau2311626732.55% 92
Yuya Sasaki9562328.66% 19
Kamal Saggi2810931402.42% 120
John J. Siegfried2019414542.68% 27
Lesley Jeanne Turner11223703.9% 21
W Kip Viscusi4327772861.49% 155
John Allan Weymark2110523722.19% 53
Myrna Wooders2216717617.66% 40

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team