Author citation profiles: Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). Department of Accounting and Finance

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Dimitris Anastasiou53214812.94% 21
Apostolos Ballas6201322.22% 4
George Chalamandaris59594.84% 5
Konstantinos Drakos14838103.11% 36
Athanasios Episcopos6141216.2% 4
Dimitris Georgoutsos8362153.15% 6
Manolis Kavussanos17446722.18% 25
George N. Leledakis4194122.64% 1
Leonidas Rompolis412479.62% 3
Athanasios Sakkas511991% 12
Georgia Siougle413263.7% 1
Spyros Spyrou12455371.47% 24
Dimitris Tsouknidis7221568.24% 15
Andrianos Emmanouil Tsekrekos10323192.45% 16

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