Author citation profiles: European Commission. Directorate-General Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Pierfederico Asdrubali7196152.23% 21
Elva Bova8183000.33% 23
Christian Buelens58851.16% 5
Giuseppe Carone11193701.33% 18
Gaetano D'Adamo420367.69% 3
Francisco de Castro Fernández11355533.32% 25
Gabriele Giudice6101820.55% 10
Luigi Giamboni34380% 2
Atanas Hristov6241281.54% 9
Andreas Kappeler8182631.87% 18
Tobias D. Ketterer9162624.03% 32
Julia Kielyte622913.19% 3
Áron Kiss9242693.58% 20
Zenon Kontolemis8143040.65% 12
Gábor Kátay9202474.63% 13
Martin Larch12355332.74% 18
Cristiana Manescu Belu481140% 8
Philipp Mohl8273112.2% 16
Plamen Nikolov313286.67% 2
Marga Peeters7552119.05% 8
Philipp Ludwig Pfeiffer6209213.21% 11
András Rezessy38420% 5
Aleksander J. Rutkowski36330% 4
Matteo Salto10263942.48% 15
Michael Stierle312801.23% 3
Alessio Terzi419735.19% 6
Anna Elisabeth Thum-Thysen9373732.1% 28
Bořek Vašíček15449542.05% 63
Janos Varga11333058.41% 19
Hauke Vierke35462.13% 11
Lukas Vogel16758068.82% 44
Goran Vukšić8261933.02% 10
Florian Wöhlbier6111893.08% 11
Stefan Zeugner8204501.32% 34

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team