Author citation profiles: Politecnico di Milano. School of Management

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Tommaso Agasisti16786744.4% 48
Jacopo Bonan7231148.8% 12
Giulia Felice6172014.74% 10
Anna Florio4238811.11% 4
Chiara Franzoni10214161.89% 24
Luca Grilli197417471.47% 83
Paolo Landoni10323763.59% 20
Sergio Giovanni Mariotti12664791.24% 11
Rocco Mosconi7137430.4% 23
Fabio Pammolli1813412205.13% 46
Lucia Piscitello198312511.11% 46
Daniele Siena613657.14% 8
Lucia Tajoli12356532.39% 28

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