Author citation profiles: DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Pio Baake7672070.96% 7
Stefan Bach152339853.15% 32
Heike Belitz613616310.93% 5
Kerstin Bernoth117611400.52% 54
Marius Clemens4139905.26% 6
Geraldine Dany-Knedlik385328.57% 5
Jochen Diekmann8532473.14% 11
Tomaso Duso16898786.99% 38
Alexander Friedrich Eickelpasch5841784.81% 6
Hella Engerer4178822.38% 2
Philipp Engler6261853.65% 15
Marcel Fratzscher4824489591.57% 373
Johannes Geyer131155778.12% 33
Martin Gornig71832116.64% 6
Markus M. Grabka1821916525.44% 66
Bernd Görzig5401922.54% 5
Antonia Grohmann4262243.45% 37
Peter Haan2110213923.87% 73
Elke Holst121494966.77% 16
Franziska Holz12867165.17% 37
Claudia Kemfert2036718262.56% 73
Konstantin Kholodilin1721910636.84% 50
Michael Kohlhaas5241140% 6
Alexander Kriwoluzky7672005.66% 12
Alexander Kritikos1718616835.5% 56
Heike Link9402424.35% 8
Nils May523893.26% 22
Claus Michelsen92763926.22% 28
Karsten Neuhoff2625028932.2% 144
Frauke H. Peter9432156.11% 16
Sebastian Petrick5111762.76% 25
Malte H. Rieth71452671.11% 24
Christian Schmitt5131511.95% 21
Jens Schmidt-Ehmcke7251801.64% 25
Alexander Schiersch7752065.07% 15
Wolf-Peter Schill1711811375.01% 75
Julia Schmieder5181080% 21
Helke Seitz48630% 5
Katharina Christa Spiess1623313425.69% 46
Hannes Ullrich4389010.89% 6
Sevrin Waights7151876.03% 20
Katharina Wrohlich2111513964.45% 87

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team