Author citation profiles: de Nederlandsche Bank

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Joost Victor Bats49742.63% 14
Jacob Bikker196819972.2% 55
Wilko Bolt17416963.06% 25
Martijn Adriaan Boermans9291818.59% 12
Clemens Bonner8121792.19% 29
Dennis Bonam411432.27% 5
Raymond Chaudron39712.74% 4
Andrea Colciago10275482.49% 34
Carin van der Cruijsen15618365% 49
Tijmen R. Daniƫls59955% 10
Emmanuel De Veirman5151517.93% 9
Jasper de Winter38515.56% 5
Jasper De Jong57743.9% 6
Patty Duijm411852.3% 10
Jan Willem van den End12353813.05% 20
Gabriele Galati184815821.25% 65
Niels D. Gilbert47652.99% 5
Leo de Haan14345352.19% 21
Lola Hernandez681801.64% 30
Gerbert Hebbink610690% 2
Jeroen Hessel33390% 39
Irma Hindrayanto6111701.73% 10
Marco Hoeberichts185314541.16% 58
David-Jan Jansen184520881.83% 104
Nicole Jonker175319861.39% 79
Jan Kakes8283491.97% 14
Ide Muirean Kearney14695802.19% 17
Iman van Lelyveld153514611.28% 60
Konstantinos (Kostas) Mavromatis5161204.76% 8
Mark Mink7134720.84% 26
Robert Mosch691520.65% 10
Rob Nijskens3121174.88% 13
Jante Parlevliet47791.25% 7
Anna Samarina9243203.9% 29
A.C.J. Stokman594701.05% 29
Ilke Van Beveren10257100.98% 44
Saskia de Vries-van Ewijk57580% 8
Maarten van Rooij163323851.41% 82
Robert Vermeulen11255032.14% 33
Razvan Vlahu7142274.22% 18

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team