Author citation profiles: University of Glasgow. Adam Smith Business School

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Michele Battisti7203461.7% 31
Anna Bogomolnaia153010782% 43
Shuo Cao410310% 3
mario cerrato9512419.06% 13
Dimitris Christelis123811133.13% 58
Richard Dennis12647276.19% 27
Georgios Gerasimou6239111.65% 6
Sayantan Ghosal11847408.53% 25
Tatiana Kirsanova12506776.23% 28
Dimitris Korobilis224925953.85% 173
Campbell Leith175511825.59% 42
Yehuda John Levy5217612.64% 6
Jim Malley129264610.53% 17
Ronald MacDonald3923353532.35% 140
Herve Moulin3214541661.86% 86
Eugenio Proto14638674.41% 36
Vasilios Sogiakas417581.69% 4
Gabriel Talmain8242183.54% 8
Alex William Trew8191883.09% 11
John Tsoukalas9324784.78% 25
Serafeim Tsoukas10383378.17% 22
Anwen Zhang38880% 11

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team