Author citation profiles: Dartmouth College. Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Leila Agha6101792.19% 29
Treb Allen10178710.8% 79
Patricia Mary Anderson183815491.09% 53
David Blanchflower44177104071.49% 260
Elizabeth U. Cascio173012061.47% 63
Carrie Colla310543.57% 2
Diego Comin246835431.8% 141
Eric Edmonds194017751.77% 77
James Feyrer131617120.41% 107
Alan L. Gustman2510020904.35% 44
Douglas A. Irwin2513028331.29% 80
Meir Kohn9273220% 8
Andrew Theo Levin3391127930.55% 456
Ethan G. Lewis163214620.81% 54
Erzo F.P. Luttmer244048950.53% 188
Paul Novosad7112680.37% 19
Claudia Olivetti265442151.54% 162
Andrew Samwick214328990.69% 93
Bruce Sacerdote304376570.21% 306
John Troy Scott199019862.65% 45
Na'ama Shenhav6111210% 17
Jonathan Skinner308850480.98% 120
Christopher Mark Snyder207412252.55% 43
Doug Staiger316181570.39% 281
Robert W. Staiger3211637662.81% 99
Steven Venti246418472.69% 49
Heidi L. Williams164314601.08% 76
Eric Zitzewitz203314892.74% 70
Jonathan Zinman327440211.69% 167

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team