Author citation profiles: University of Essex. Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Rossella Argenziano8182351.26% 14
Carlos Carrillo-Tudela10353468.71% 16
Nadia Campaniello511643.03% 8
Marcus J. Chambers11594696.2% 15
Melvyn Glyn Coles226416692.91% 50
Albin Erlanson512525.45% 4
Ben Etheridge6102530.39% 18
Marco Francesconi289133062.68% 132
Daniel F. Garrett8162256.25% 12
Christian Ghiglino11434495.27% 16
Piero Gottardi176610176.27% 29
Abhimanyu Gupta3135123.88% 5
Timothy James Hatton2914130862.99% 77
Gordon C.R. Kemp516591.67% 2
Sheri Marina Markose9294522.38% 12
Miltiadis Makris11373243.57% 16
Friederike Mengel16467433.38% 46
Katharine Eleanor Rockett11346152.54% 18
Michel Serafinelli562200.45% 20
Christoph Siemroth5191285.88% 14
Eric F. Smith10305542.46% 17
George Symeonidis13255711.72% 24
Dennie van Dolder8182061.44% 18
Yikai Wang5111380% 15
Simon Weidenholzer9263633.46% 21

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team