Author citation profiles: Georgetown University. Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
James Albrecht256431031.65% 75
Luca Anderlini124850811.96% 15
Laurent Bouton10303857.23% 21
Christopher P. Chambers17889634.08% 45
Behzad T. Diba246427371.08% 66
Martin Evans289934121.87% 103
Sharat Ganapati10174441.55% 31
Garance Genicot143211141.33% 42
Mark Huggett162826431.31% 88
Ivana Komunjer133214080.91% 74
Roger Lagunoff13515628.02% 18
Arik Levinson256339681.15% 116
Rodney D. Ludema163512351.75% 42
Toshihiko Mukoyama194912943.22% 64
Lindsay Oldenski9203862.03% 21
Jonathan David Ostry4013064441.04% 179
Alexandre Poirier61811610.08% 9
Juan Felipe Riaño Rodríguez58593.28% 7
John Philip Rust217332691.03% 90
Marius Schwartz144110601.58% 27
Joshua C. Teitelbaum6154461.55% 29
Daniel Valderrama Gonzalez5201370.72% 9
Francis Vella217026701.8% 70
Susan Vroman245628271.46% 58

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team