Author citation profiles: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Alberto Abadie2844131190.21% 452
Daron Acemoglu107351596450.54% 1704
Nikhil Agarwal9193782.07% 27
George-Marios Angeletos318351701.26% 224
David Atkin142612522.26% 89
Abhijit Banerjee61169184890.61% 528
Martin Beraja7123300.9% 36
Victor Chernozhukov4617389563.02% 389
Marco Di Maggio10266180.48% 44
Peter A. Diamond49155131710.36% 215
Esther Duflo54106237460.28% 913
Amy Finkelstein388259591.26% 238
Drew Fudenberg56179141520.99% 262
Rachel Glennerster112919670.15% 93
Jonathan Gruber46165117340.74% 345
Simon Jäger11214683.31% 42
Paul Joskow4111957130.64% 109
Mohit Karnani39289.68% 4
Stephen Morris4116982842.48% 236
Whitney Newey50139254240.34% 591
Benjamin Olken336068110.69% 309
Parag Pathak328244361.81% 221
Vincent Rollet36253.85% 8
Nancy Lin Rose183115440.9% 39
Frank Schilbach6133450.86% 43
James M. Snyder, Jr.224323190.39% 66
Joonas Tuhkuri310309.09% 3
Alexander Wolitzky10374971.39% 35
Christian K. Wolf8135441.63% 77
Muhamet Yildiz12326062.88% 26

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team