Author citation profiles: University of Michigan. Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Hoyt Bleakley183629380.37% 108
John Bound369389250.53% 223
Tilman Börgers15378711.36% 27
CharlesBrown204039020.15% 84
Alain Cohn11168980.99% 74
Javier Cravino10224513.22% 32
Ashley Cooper Craig49392.5% 3
Alan V. Deardorff2718334991.49% 69
Gabriel Ehrlich582402.04% 30
Ying Fan8134251.62% 42
James R. Hines, Jr.3611162101.37% 163
Amanda Ellen Kowalski15299793.36% 44
Andrei A. Levchenko316845252.2% 238
David A. Miller7121820.55% 14
Edward C. Norton249450540.82% 163
Pablo Ottonello11235361.11% 31
Paul W. Rhode187610781.55% 27
Emma Alice Louise Riley691871.06% 23
Stephen Walter Salant248929371.38% 58
Matthew D. Shapiro369969131.1% 172
Sebastian Sotelo7104261.84% 28
Dmitriy L. Stolyarov8193243.28% 15
Melvin Stephens, Jr.173216960.82% 84
David Van Dijcke461021.92% 34
Warren C. Whatley8212332.51% 6
Toni Whited316257220.47% 173
Robert J. Willis265836870.51% 89
Basit Zafar277831351.45% 209

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team