Author citation profiles: European Commission. Joint Research Centre

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Andrea Bellucci6192924.89% 20
Francesco Berlingieri6111052.78% 9
Elizabeth Jane Casabianca413313.13% 3
Ludovic Calès3175710.94% 4
Marco Colagrossi310412.38% 6
Szilárd Erhart419638.7% 3
Fabio Farinosi33200% 2
massimiliano ferraresi517726.49% 10
Giulia Fiorese692792.45% 93
Sara Flisi417893.26% 6
Chris Jacobs-Crisioni6186910.39% 6
d'Artis Kancs209717466.98% 79
Sven Langedijk6181710.58% 8
Roman Liska575920.5% 118
Anna Rita Manca510492% 4
Sara Maccaferri37357.89% 5
Elena Claudia Meroni7242231.33% 22
Silvia Migali35210% 5
George Monokroussos5141764.86% 7
Andrea Morescalchi39527.14% 5
giuseppe munda175013301.77% 42
Paolo Paruolo10754448.83% 13
Evangelia Papanagiotou49335.71% 2
Filippo Maria Pericoli7301762.22% 13
Christophe Planas9185140.77% 20
Antonios Proestakis47900% 8
Paola Proietti313146.67% 4
Paul Rougieux33130% 1
Stefano Verzillo426468% 3
Michele Vespe411722.7% 10

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team