Author citation profiles: Paris School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Joseph Moussa Abdou3213236% 1
Bénédicte Apouey84741011.64% 25
Luc Arrondel151568545.53% 25
Cyprien Batut3132516.67% 6
Luc Behaghel12626964.26% 36
Emeline Bezin45490% 16
Thomas Blanchet7123953.66% 65
Francis Bloch229123371.93% 80
François J. Bourguignon3919280730.69% 168
Catherine Bobtcheff522832.35% 5
Antoine Bozio141076584.5% 36
Ekrame Boubtane104427212.54% 22
Thomas Breda12504012.91% 30
Tobias Broer7252066.79% 10
Simon Briole3113014.29% 7
Carmen Camacho10204145.05% 27
Lucas Chancel142713232.36% 147
Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline74227814.72% 8
Andrew Clark45196130072.45% 382
fabrizio coricelli229719112.65% 56
Jean-Pierre Danthine258617841.27% 42
Hippolyte d'Albis1215248023.2% 24
Antoine d'Autume7721662.92% 4
Gabrielle Demange1810018682.3% 45
Franz Dietrich158558214.03% 27
Nicolas L. DROMEL7152021.46% 18
Fabrice Etilé14807543.33% 31
Axelle Ferriere5111253.85% 12
Marc Fleurbaey3013739071.71% 144
Francois Fontaine10396481.82% 32
Mouez Fodha9515307.18% 20
Philippe Gagnepain9283346.7% 15
Stephane Gauthier64612619.23% 5
Amory Gethin53111627.95% 19
Pierre Yves Geoffard12667443.38% 24
Jérémie Gignoux92710711.38% 59
Laurent Gobillon207539852.97% 189
Julien Grenet10526021.63% 40
irena grosfeld16388072.06% 24
Guesnerie Roger2413323911.03% 48
Nina Guyon5142131.39% 19
Marc Gurgand177416621.89% 50
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur8852762.13% 9
Jean-Olivier Hairault159111125.04% 34
Fanny Henriet8312694.61% 17
Camille HEMET5161734.95% 14
Jonas Heipertz38404.76% 8
Georges Vivien HOUNGBONON518752.6% 8
Philippe Jehiel2910627824.4% 86
Sylvie Lambert10494834.73% 14
Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky13594587.29% 18
Jean-François Laslier1815312038.31% 38
Mael Lebreton413664.35% 6
François Libois510717.79% 7
Karen Macours217112764.42% 49
Antonin Macé5196917.86% 5
Eric Maurin2611123451.96% 68
Clément Malgouyres8453122.5% 34
David N. MARGOLIS167629861.29% 90
André Masson7582112.76% 4
Katrin Eleonora Millock14485871.34% 20
Carine Milcent78425814.57% 10
Antonela Miho34340% 8
Eric Monnet95520810.73% 13
Helene Ollivier7161409.09% 12
Mathieu Parenti11276194.03% 51
Thomas Piketty48153137931.28% 459
Victor Pouliquen461140% 14
Gilles Postel-Vinay9566021.63% 14
Hillel Rapoport3112761232.5% 218
Angelo Riva5366616.46% 3
Victor Saldarriaga312555.17% 5
Gilles Saint-Paul3226143652.04% 128
Katheline Schubert11804158.19% 10
Angelo Secchi204617442.08% 87
Claudia Senik277228171.88% 128
David Spector9433000.33% 12
Elena Stancanelli15646837.45% 22
Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann10464190.48% 12
Jean-Marc Tallon187914925.69% 42
olivier tercieux13265384.1% 29
Jean-Philippe Tropeano527890% 3
Oliver Vanden Eynde41113411.84% 16
Thierry A. Verdier4418684451.57% 255
Augustin Vicard411490% 5
Bernard Walliser7401322.22% 2
Bertrand Wigniolle84219816.81% 6
Liam Wren-Lewis7232238.23% 14
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya307239872.95% 173
Gabriel Zucman266852351.73% 327

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team