Author citation profiles: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Economic Research Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Christopher R. Cunningham6192490.4% 12
Lei Fang8282327.2% 15
Kristopher Gerardi195018672.3% 109
Nikolay Gospodinov16676534.11% 27
Julie L. Hotchkiss1411855910.7% 15
Mark J. Jensen13345495.18% 18
Federico S. Mandelman14359002.39% 50
Brent Hedlund Meyer10274893.93% 28
Camelia Minoiu205112961.82% 72
Ed Nosal14727193.49% 21
Melinda Pitts63812711.81% 6
William Roberds15798764.58% 23
John Campbell Robertson10445741.88% 19
Oz Shy2112718612.97% 53
Paula Tkac8145960.33% 27
Larry D. Wall1910613324.45% 38
Bin Wei8191963.92% 12
Jonathan L. Willis14398401.75% 28

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team