Author citation profiles: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Research Division

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
subhayu bandyopadhyay141176777.01% 25
Aleksander Berentsen217814955.32% 59
Alexander Bick11289933.31% 66
Serdar Birinci6391015.61% 9
James Bullard2449525192.74% 78
YiLi Chien9743579.85% 19
Cletus C. Coughlin1610613753.64% 35
Riccardo DiCecio10465821.85% 30
Bill Dupor166713791.99% 51
Maximiliano Ariel Dvorkin6414673.31% 46
Miguel Faria-e-Castro9464833.01% 40
Carlos Garriga159010286.2% 41
William Thomas Gavin141126605.85% 17
Charles Stephen Gascon6951070.93% 6
Victoria Gregory325993.88% 24
Kevin L. Kliesen102475753.69% 18
Julian Kozlowski6362354.86% 23
Oksana Leukhina11442805.72% 16
Fernando Leibovici8612777.05% 21
Fernando M. Martin10613368.45% 17
Michael McCracken207530701.57% 118
Diego Mendez-Carbajo3331710.53% 0
Amanda M. Michaud511854.49% 17
Alexander Monge-Naranjo11636933.88% 33
Christopher Neely3115136602.35% 126
Michael T. Owyang2414225312.84% 115
B Ravikumar2111027421.83% 83
Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria8492183.96% 11
Juan M. Sanchez151129645.49% 48
Ana Maria Santacreu9733687.77% 20
Don Edward Schlagenhauf12617283.19% 17
Guillaume Vandenbroucke11805965.55% 28
David Wheelock2315121513.63% 61
Scott A. Wolla454365.26% 3
Mark Wright146113323.27% 45
Christian Zimmermann12646858.42% 20

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team