Author citation profiles: Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Alan Barrett179211172.45% 42
Valentin Bertsch12584666.61% 29
Adele Bergin16916793.96% 32
Aoife Brick8291864.62% 15
John Curtis11933579.85% 11
Karina Doorley11723619.98% 24
John D. Fitzgerald2019513513.43% 35
Daniel Foley612790% 26
vanessa gash8152082.8% 9
Elish Kelly13684974.79% 35
Conor Keegan6251605.88% 17
Martina Lawless179212764.28% 75
Pete Lunn81082828.44% 17
Muireann Áine Lynch84319611.31% 17
Kieran McQuinn1416076010.06% 31
Seamus Mcguinness2114417003.95% 68
Selina McCoy10743104.02% 11
Sanna Nivakoski37195% 3
Anne Nolan10794366.24% 20
Conor M. O'Toole131147826.12% 60
Paul Redmond7462502.72% 22
Helen Russell11764871.81% 21
Frances Philomena Ruane17606622.93% 17
sue scott11964772.45% 12
Rachel Slaymaker3155015.25% 12
Emer Smyth11914052.88% 15
Petr Spodniak39338.33% 4
Miguel Angel Tovar Reanos58651.52% 7
IULIA SIEDSCHLAG141157345.17% 25
Brendan Walsh8272123.64% 19
Dorothy Watson12674361.58% 11
Adele Whelan624964.95% 10
Aykut Mert Yakut4233313.16% 4
Tong Zhu571080% 18

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team