Author citation profiles: United Nations. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Alejandro Acosta59523.7% 6
Aslihan Arslan10473723.63% 21
Alessandro Carraro414420% 4
Andrea Cattaneo13488461.17% 33
Carlo Cafiero8162590.38% 14
Jordan Chamberlin17859332.91% 51
PIERO CONFORTI524773.75% 3
Katia Alejandra Covarrubias11245321.3% 33
Silvio Daidone10535132.1% 36
Benjamin Kaylor Davis2413219913.07% 79
Ana Paula de la O Campos316521.89% 5
Stefania Di Giuseppe7123211.23% 29
Vincent Gitz571402.1% 17
Mohammad Monirul Hasan3132112.5% 2
Mari Helena Kangasniemi8233071.6% 18
Marco Knowles56520% 3
Ekaterina Krivonos45682.86% 4
David Laborde Debucquet1819311754.86% 53
Emiliano Magrini8271745.43% 17
Erdgin Mane38590% 4
Jamie Morrison4172461.6% 10
Christian Alexander Mongeau Ospina416724% 12
David Neven5133311.49% 41
Paulo A. L. D. Nunes12706993.72% 41
Francisco Pereira Fontes311296.45% 4
Carly Kathleen Petracco37340% 3
Rebecca Pietrelli5141523.18% 4
Jose Rosero5102081.42% 13
Antonio Scognamillo5181091.8% 12
Monica Schuster8201926.34% 21
Nicholas J. Sitko13735775.41% 44
Marco V. Sánchez Cantillo541954.04% 3
Wondmagegn Tafesse Tirkaso39156.25% 2
Monika Tothova311253.85% 1
Andrea Zimmermann5141132.59% 9

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team