Author citation profiles: University of Cambridge. Faculty of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Toke S Aidt258030542.33% 127
Noriko Amano-Patino35190% 6
Debopam Bhattacharya9253665.43% 20
Florin O. Bilbiie194120452.85% 107
Tiago Vanderlei de Vasconcelos Cavalcanti205914401.71% 68
Vasco Marques de Carvalho152623740.96% 113
Ha-Joon Chang19499921.2% 36
Meredith A. Crowley14448794.25% 41
Jeremy Edwards11427461.45% 18
Elisa Faraglia7201976.19% 10
Mete Feridun11259430.32% 67
Leonardo Felli135566510.01% 19
Chryssi Giannitsarou11245282.4% 25
Juliana Guimaraes Cavalcanti410521.89% 4
Bowei Guo4114119.61% 20
Andrew C. Harvey3512665810.93% 134
Sriya Iyer9395064.53% 24
Tony Lawson10414920.61% 13
OLIVER BRUCE LINTON2922337305.11% 100
Alexei Onatski132618550.86% 84
Christopher Rauh154516552.82% 183
Donald Robertson14487852.36% 22
Hamid Sabourian11303873.97% 11
solomos solomou10452952.32% 7
Flavio Toxvaerd10194344.82% 24

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team