Author citation profiles: Hitotsubashi University. Graduate School of Economics/Faculty of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Takeshi Aida417954.04% 8
Shuhei Aoki5191513.82% 5
Daisuke Hirata7151714.47% 11
Shoya Ishimaru35156.25% 2
Takashi Kano93023010.16% 8
Yukichi MANO8412656.69% 11
Katsumasa Nishide6212742.49% 15
Hiroyuki Okamuro10503506.67% 12
Akira Okada10425623.44% 17
Hiroshi Sato8343572.99% 15
Toshitaka Sekine11264604.17% 19
Etsuro Shioji12384073.33% 15
Takeki Sunakawa71914210.13% 9
Kan Takeuchi341151.71% 115
Eiichi Tomiura11796503.99% 26
Naoki Wakamori312982.97% 8
Yohei Yamamoto10303089.14% 14
Hide-Fumi Yokoo3102414.29% 1

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